The other night my family was sitting around our living room talking. My mom started to talk about the book she is reading. It is by Teresa Caputo. You know the spirit lady on TLC. Anyway, in the book Teresa talks about reincarnation, and when you die you are shown and made to feel how you made others feel throughout your life. But it's peaceful, not scary/sad/mad or whatever other emotion you would be afraid of feeling that you have made those around you feel. Teresa also talks about how you work towards becoming a perfect soul. How you can have many lives but your soul remains the same. You know when you've met 'the one' and you feel as though you have already met and been together? I believe yes, your souls have already met. In another lifetime...
When I was 14 my family left our former church. I'll just refer to it as the 'group.' I was old enough to understand what was going on and to start thinking for myself. All I had ever known was the group. That is where all of my friends were, and some still are. It was my comfort zone. Being the age that I was, I had felt that the floor had been ripped out from under me. I was confused and I became fearful. Fearful that I would loose my friends. Fearful that I wouldn't be strong enough to make good decisions without a church. Fearful that I would end up alone. With the support of my parents and my wonderful family, I became confident enough to fight against my fears and figure out what I believed, and to not just follow my parents blindly. I continued to attend our former church alone. My friends helped me to feel comfortable to continue to go. I also started to attend the Mormon church with some friends I had made from school. As well as go to some Christian churches. While at home my dad would teach of Buddha, Gandhi, and Christ. I was determined to figure out what I believed for myself. What I found, through prayer and long conversations with many different people, is that there is truth everywhere. I was raised to believe that there is one real truth, and you have to follow that truth to make it to heaven. But my soul feels differently. I wasn't content to commit myself to just one church. Through out the years I have started to believe a lot of what Teresa talks about in her book. I believe that our spirits are growing and learning. That we all are on different levels in life, simply because we all go through different life experiences, and that the main goal is to become a 'perfect' spirit. I have chosen Christ as my example of a perfect spirit, and it is my goal to become just like him. When my mom started to tell us what Teresa talks about in her book, I became all excited!
I'm grateful that my parents left the 'group.' It has opened my eyes to so many wondrous things. It has helped me to think for myself and to work for and find what I truly believe. Because what I was raised to believe was taken away, it made my testimony of Christ so much stronger than I could have ever imagined. I'm still learning, so I'm not saying THIS IS THE WAY, or anything like that. But to my soul right now, it feels right. So I'm going to continue to follow Christ's example, and try to show my love that I have to share to everyone.
On a more lighter note! I get to be with this hunk in just 4 more days!! :) Wahoo!!