Oye..that's the word I have been using a lot lately. Probably because there is going to be a lot going on for Jake and I in the next couple of months. In about a month we will be moving! Yay! :) I love the opportunities and experiences that South Dakota has brought us, not to mention I think it has helped our relationship in tremendous amount of ways, that I don't think would have happened if we did live closer to family and friends. Jake is my rock, he is amazing and I don't know what I would do with out him, but I'm ready to be nearer to family and friends. When Jake and I went to go put our 2 months notice into the office of our apartment complex we were told we would have to pay another months rent after we leave. All along we thought it was a 6 month lease, but I guess it was a year. I guess we didn't read all of the fine print. We will have lived in our nice cozy apartment for 11 months! It has been so good to us, I hope we can find one like it when we move.
As a lot of you probably already know, my family is doing a TV show! My Five Wives on TLC. It has been an awesome experience for my family, and has opened up so many doors to them. Jake and I will only be on one maybe two episodes seeing as we live in a completely different state. That's okay with me, I'm just so excited to watch my family! Seeing the commercials and articles online about my family is almost surreal. It hasn't really clicked with me yet, maybe it won't ever. I have the most amazing family, 5 moms and 23 brother and sisters. I'm the oldest, so growing up I always wanted to set a good example for them all. Whenever one of them is struggling is tugs on my heart. I hate seeing the ones I love in pain, but there is always someone there to help. One of the many perks of having a ginormous family. :) March 9th is when it airs. The anticipations is killing me.( not literally:))
My not so little brother Josh or as a lot of people know him as Brady landed in Africa today! HOLY COW! The big sister in me is nervous and worried about him, but I'm so proud of him. He always talked about going to Africa while growing up. We would look at picture books of lions and tigers and all the other wild animals down there and that sparked an interest in him. I'm so happy he has the opportunity to go. I have an Uncle down there right now serving in the Peace Corps. Its pretty awesome, so Josh made it happen to go and he will be staying with him for 2 weeks! He gets home just in time for the premiere of our families TV show. Have I ever mentioned how big of a stud he is? He has a jaw that makes the ladies melt, he is a big sweetheart too. I hope he has an amazing time down there.
Babies! Aah! So many cute, precious, angel babies have been born lately! One of my most very best friends just had a baby boy last week! He is so handsome and I can't believe I am old enough to have friends that are having babies. Where does all the time go? I can't wait to get my hiney to Utah and cuddle all of my friends babies! I will admit seeing all these cute babies being born has made me baby hungry. Yep, I said it. I want a baby! Jake has some goals he wants to accomplish first before we start that journey of our lives together. So I'll just have to reign it in and be patient. Jake will be such a good daddy, I just know it! :) I also just found out one of my close cousins will be having a baby in September! Yay! Babies...I just love everything about them. :)
Jake and I just payed off one of our bigger debts! We now own our lovely king sized tempurpedic bed. Its worth the pretty penny, trust me! And we will be paying off another one next month! Hooray for accomplishing goals.:)
Well despite the freezing cold weather, and my craving for babies life is pretty good up here in Rapid City. :)