So it's been awhile since my last update. I'm a slacker. There have been quiet a few blog posts recently, and so that is what gave me my motivation to write this one! Thank you fellow bloggers! :) Since it has been more than a month since my last one I'll get you up to date.
Jake and I drove the long 12+ hour drive to my parents house in Utah for Christmas! We left after he got off work, trying to beat a storm that was coming. In the middle of no where in Wyoming at 1 in the morning it was a white out! It was horrible, we drove under 20 mph for at least 3 hours. It was a long miserable night. We reached my hometown hours later, and were greeted by a lovely camera crew. My family is doing a TV series for TLC called 'My Five Wives,' and they wanted to catch us walking into my parents house and seeing my family. We had just spent 14 hours in a car and had only 2 hours of sleep, I'm sure you could see it on our faces. It wasn't really all that bad though. There is always a million people walking around our house, whether it be siblings, parents, pets, or neighbor friends. So the camera crew fits right in and has become part of our family. :)
Christmas eve and Christmas morning were great! We woke up bright and early at 5 o'clock. I grabbed the recorder, I wasn't going to miss catching Jake and I's first Christmas together as a married couple! I'm sure it was a new experience for Jake celebrating Christmas with so many little ones, but he seemed to enjoy himself.:) While we were visiting I ended up getting really sick. :/ I wasn't able to do anything or see anyone that I wanted while I was there. I went to bed at 10 pm on New Years, while Jake and the rest of my family celebrated. Oh well. Jake got to hang out with his friends while we were there, so that's good. We ended up staying a little longer than initially planned, hoping that I would get better for the drive home, but that didn't happen. I slept for more than half of the trip home. I felt bad, that's a long drive to do alone, my poor husband. He is such a sweetheart! <3
Now that we have been home for almost a month, we have both gotten back into the swing of our routines. We just bought our first TV! Jake has been wanting to buy a Xbox for a while now, and I would always say "Okay! You'll have to buy a TV first.' One day he splurged and went and bought a TV and a Xbox! We can now watch the big collection of DVDs that we have. :) Our favorite thing that Jake and I like to do now is sit and watch The Office while eating dinner. It's nice, and makes for a wonderful evening. :)
This past Saturday it was my 21st birthday! My amazing husband spoiled me the whole day. We went and watch my cousin Chris run at a track meet in Spearfish. He's a collegiate runner and is very good at it! Jake and I both did track and x- country in high school so we enjoyed it. After, we met up with some friends and went to Deadwood City. You know like off of Calamity Jane?! I was so excited! We went to a casino and I won a total of 24 bucks playing the slot machines. It was fun! We also enjoyed a nice dinner while we were there. I love my life being married to Jake. He is such an amazing man. Everyday he takes the time to ask me how my day was, and how I feel. He is so supportive of me. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky. Even though life throws you those tough days where you just want to throw your hands in the air and give up, that man always finds a way to cheer me up. I'm so grateful for him.
Life is good. :)